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“Don’t tell me how talented you are. Tell me how hard you work.” – Artur Rubenstein  


Have you ever wondered even when two people do the same task, why they get different results? Even after taking a course or learning a new subject from the same instructor, why the learning outcomes are different for the students? How do people from difficult upbringings or with humble beginnings are able to do better than many others and achieve amazing results. The answer to all these questions is Growth Mindset Versus Fixed Mindset for Success.

Do you have a fixed or growth mindset? In this article you will learn about both growth and fixed mindset and more about your own mindset. Knowing yourself better can help open your pathways to success in the shortest possible time frame.

Table of Contents

Carol Deck’s Growth Mindset

The terms’ growth mindset and fixed mindset are created by Carol Dweck to describe people’s underlying belief and motivation about their learning and intelligence. It is described that people who believed they can get smart by learning, their efforts worked for them, and they got significant results. This led them to put more time and effort and achieve more success.

Growth Mindset Definition:

“In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.” – Carol Dweck

Having a Growth mindset is important, and it can help you get ahead of others every time.

Goes is a popular quote, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” – Joseph P. Kennedy. This shows the importance of a strong growth mindset.

A growth mindset is about persevering and not giving up even when it is tough to continue on our journey. It is by adopting this approach, we prove ourselves to be different from others and turn out to be better versions of ourselves.

What is Growth Mindset?

Let us now understand the Growth Mindset It is to know that your Mindset Determines Your Success. It is to know the difference between growth mindset versus fixed mindset and learning to move from fixed to growth mindset.

How to Develop a Growth Mindset?

You have a growth mindset when you understand and believe that you can develop your abilities over some time. When you have a growth mindset, you enjoy working hard and setting new milestones.

You believe that you can develop your most basic abilities through dedication and hard work. Whether it is learning a language or a subject, you will overcome any barrier to success with willpower, hard work and dedication. Thus, you become unstoppable!

When you acquire a growth mindset, you learn to believe yourself. You learn that you can improve, get better and surpass those born with natural talent or skills. It is a state of mind when you have high self-esteem and a positive attitude towards learning new skills at any point in time.

People with a growth mindset don’t limit themselves because they haven’t got the skill naturally since birth, like developing leadership skills. One can acquire leadership skills by bringing changes to their attitude and behavior. Anyone can become a leader if they have the right mindset or acquire any skill if they want to.

By adopting a growth mindset and continuing to be in that stage, you accept that you can achieve anything by practicing regularly. You learn to believe that you can acquire new skills by practicing regularly. Everything is achievable if you set your mind to it and practice regularly. This belief makes you practice regularly and get better at any skill.

You accept and implement productive and continuous feedback from seniors, instructors, mentor and family, which results in constant development.

Growth Mindset Versus Fixed Mindset

People in a fixed mindset are primarily not aware of what they want in life. They always feel cooped and face mental blockage when it comes to learning new skills or taking challenges. Since they have a fear of failure and don’t want to take risks in life. They like to feel comfortable and face similar situations. Also, they do not have hesitations in spending the time in wasteful activities that do not contribute to their success in any way.

Having said that, the primary reason behind such behavior is lack of motivation and awareness that one can control the outcomes in life. In fact, we can achieve results by working hard and learning from the outcomes each time. In a state of fixed mindset, people are not aware that their intelligence can develop over time by engaging in the right activities. It is important to learn that a shift in mindset is real. It can work wonders if one has dedication, willingness to learn and strive for self-development by implementing the growth mindset strategies.

Live Outside the Box

In a population of 2.9 Billion, only 2% of the population lives “outside the box”. This is only a total of 58 million people. These are the people who tend to live a big life because they have learnt to push themselves out of the comfort zone. They have a growth mindset; they set new goals, challenge themselves regularly and achieve new milestones by getting remarkable results.


2% Out of Comfort Zone

People in this category are not afraid of the unknown. Instead, they embrace the unknown, take calculated risks and keep moving forward. Thus, attaining an attribute of a ‘Risk Taker’.

You must live a life of adventure, dream big and set realistic goals. Your dreams must make you feel restless, you should naturally think about them often. It should make you work hard and mustn’t let you stop until you achieve it. In this mindset, you decide to move forward even when there are setbacks and continue to work towards achieving your dreams.

How to Develop a Growth Mindset for Success!

By now you must have realized you should also work towards developing a growth mindset. It is now important to know the ways to achieve it. Here are the top 6 most powerful ways that will help you achieve a growth mindset.

Learn how to improve Growth Mindset versus Fixed Mindset

1. Curiosity is your key to success:

Curiosity is the way to go if you want to learn in life. If you already know something, be curious and learn more, so you get better at it, and then you can teach someone about it. This is possible by first understanding growth mindset versus fixed mindset. This way you learn, then teach and learn while teaching. Growth is not just when you develop. You also growth by helping others grow in life.

2. Every failure is your opportunity for learning and future success:

Each time you fail, you get another opportunity to learn. Learn from your failures and move on to set new milestones. If you ever fail, be resilient to bounce back. If you don’t do something as per your expectations, learn differently, and give your best shot the next time. Carol Dweck calls this as grit, and it is a very important factor in persistence and success. So this way you develop a growth mindset and don’t stop trying.

3. Having an optimistic outlook:

Be positive about life and know that when you try and work hard, you will achieve desired results. It is one of the most important ways to develop a growth mindset. One should maintain a positive outlook towards life, radiate positive energy to inspire others and should work hard. By doing so you will see favorable results. Even if you don’t get instant results, you will eventually get success at some point in time.

4. Self-Believe fosters confidence and boosts success:

Self-believe is important. It is also important to hold high self-esteem and value yourself. Only when you believe in yourself, you will notice people around you will believe in you and your abilities. So, no matter how adverse the situation, strive hard and continue to believe in your abilities.

5. Unleash the power of “yet” in your affirmations:

If you haven’t been successful at something yet, it does not mean that you will never achieve success in that area. So, instead of saying that I am not good at public speaking, try saying “I am not good at public speaking yet”. Instead of saying, “I do not have good communication skills”, try saying “I do not have good communication skills yet”. It is important to remind yourself that you may not be very good at something just at that point in time. But practicing regularly can help in changing this. By working hard you will soon achieve the skill and move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. By moving from a negative state to a positive state, where you finally get the sense of achievement, “I did it!”

6. Seek Progress over Perfection:

Strive for continuous progress while maintaining a great standard of work. It is very important if you want to develop a growth mindset. We all know that achieving perfection is not easy. At times, we are not great at some skills, and we end up believing that we never achieve perfection in that task. This way we lose interest and start procrastinating indefinitely. This way we are never able to learn the skill or attain task completion. It’s rather easy to achieve progress and continue moving ahead while maintaining a high standard of work which is acceptable in most situations. Never stop moving forward in a desire for perfection. People with growth mindset vs fixed mindset understand this well. They instead continue to work hard, develop work to a very high standard and continue to move forward. This way you will learn to believe that you are good at handling those tasks and with regular practice, you get better at it. Regular progress rather than perfection will give you more joy and a sense of accomplishment.

Every Failure is an Opportunity to Grow – Be Unstoppable

“Failure is Success in Progress!” – Albert Einstein

He was a German-born theoretical physicist. Also known for his theory of relativity, he is acknowledged to be one of the greatest physicists of all time.

If you don’t succeed, do not stop. Take lessons and do things differently next time. Because with every failure, there comes a valuable lesson to learn that can enrich your experience and take you on the path of success.

Identify your Indicators of Growth Mindset

How do you know when you have achieved a growth mindset? When you have developed a growth mindset, you will show several traits and amaze others around you. We list a few indicators of a growth mindset that you can follow to understand and learn if you’re on the right track.

  • Believe that one can become intelligent over time even if not born with it, so you will strive and work hard tirelessly.
  • You embrace challenges and work hard to make things possible. Motivate yourself and move on without needing any external motivations. You will know what you want to achieve and identify your motivation factors.
  • Persistence even when there are setbacks.
  • You will understand that putting effort can lead to expertise or mastery.
  • Take lessons from positive criticism and make corrections.
  • Feel happy with others success.
  • Take inspiration from the success of others.
  • View failures as an opportunity to learn and grow.

What is Mindset Continuum?

Moving from Fixed Mindset to Growth Mindset

What is a Continuum – It is a sequence in which adjacent elements are not very different, but the extremes are quite distinct.

Identifying your current situations and keeping your feelings under check, you will identify your current position in the growth mindset continuum.

Fixed Mindset

Growth Mindset

•       My intelligence is fixed•       My intelligence can be developed
•       Failure is the limit to my abilities•       Failure is an opportunity to grow
•       When I am frustrated, I give up•       When I am frustrated, I take a break. Then look at the problem from a different perspective
•       I stick to what I know•       I like to try new things
•       I don’t like to be challenged•       Challenges help me grow
•       Feedback and criticism are personal•       Constructive Feedback and criticism help in my growth
•       I’m not born with these skills, so I can’t do it.•       My efforts and attitude determine my abilities. I will make it happen
•       It is hard, I can’t do it

•       It is challenging, but if I keep trying, I will be able to do it

Growth Mindset versus Fixed Mindset for Digital Marketing

As in any profession, the growth mindset is also applicable for small and medium business and digital marketers. Digital Deepak is a blogger and an iconic digital marketer with a great growth mindset.

He has the right mix of skill sets, a great attitude and a desire to work extremely hard to create value for others. He is a role model for young digital marketers and has a great reputation and huge fan following in social media. And, they also trust and respect him for his attitude and knowledge. Isn’t that incredible!

Digital marketing is a vast area for exploration with so many areas to master the skills. Are you a freelancer, an employee, a digital mentor or a founder and CEO? The growth mindset will help you perform well and in most cases outperform others. The right mindset gives you the motivation to work hard, and you will create success for yourself while creating value for others.

7 Success Mindsets – Your friend for life!

Here are the most common success mindsets, that you will have when you are working towards achieving success in your life. Use these growth mindsets versus fixed mindsets regularly to bring a change in your career and life.

1. Know that Everything Is Possible:

As the quote goes, “Everything is possible.” – Dan Brown, you will be open to challenges and have a positive outlook towards life.

2. Follow your Passion that will lead to Success:

You will find your passion and chase them first to be happy and motivate yourself each day! If you want to create value and bring change to the world, just follow your passion. Because when you follow your passion and do what you love, you will want to do it more. Doing that you will focus more and get better at it. This way one day you become GREAT at it. And by being great at something, you will create value in the world which will bring you joy. Of course, when you do something that you love, you will also create wealth in the process. So, find out what is important to you, make it your mission and become great at it.

3. Foster a Sense of Connection:

You generate a sense of connection with others in life. Feel blessed to have people in life to help achieve your dreams. You believe that people come in to your life to provide you help and to receive help from you to achieve life goals. This mindset reminds us that people come into our lives for a reason, to help us achieve our dreams and make them come true. Working with others in a team is crucial to realizing our dreams.

4. Take Accountability of your Actions:

“At the end of the day we are accountable to ourselves – our success is a result of what we do.” – Catherine Pulsifer

If you believe that is true, you will never leave anything unfinished. You will have the right mindset when you remember that you are accountable for the completion of a task. You will stop making excuses, instead start finding reasons to go ahead and achieve your goals.

5.  An Attitude of Gratitude:

Count your blessings every day and be grateful for what you have in life! An attitude of Gratitude will make you feel happy for every little thing you have including your life, work, family, home and good health. By doing so, you feel privileged and happy and want to achieve more in life, so you can also give to others. This also boosts positive emotions and growth mindset to face future challenges.

6. Good Living is about Giving:

“We rise by lifting others” – Robert Ingersoll.

When you learn the art of uplifting yourself and raise your standard of living, remember to raise your standard of giving and uplift others. This makes us feel good and helps us to be in a good state of mind.

7. The Time Is Now:

“If not us, then who? If not now, then when?” – “John Lewis. This quote reminds us to take the right actions in life at the right time. It is also important to be the change agent or a catalyst for the change that we would like to see around us.

Quick Recommendations:

Finally, we would like to give few recommendations that you must consciously practice moving to Growth Mindset

  • Replace the word “failing” with the word “learning.”
  • View challenges as opportunities
  • Try different learning tactics
  • Focus on Progress over Perfection
  • Don’t compare yourself with others, because you don’t know their side of the story that has led them to success.
  • Focus on creating value so not just you but also others around you can benefit
  • Read growth mindset books and follow several growth mindset quotes
  • Practice Affirmations (Positive Self Talk) every day – Affirmations like:
  1. I am healthy
  2. People respect and love me
  3. I am good at problem-solving
  4. People are influenced by my communication skills
  5. I am wealthy
  6. I am motivated
  7. There is harmony in my life
  8. I love challenges in life and learn from them

We hope this article has given you an insight on mindset and how growth mindset versus fixed mindset can help you in life. It is right to conclude that the fixed mindset has no place in the millennial generation.

The basic understanding of the growth mindset can help you develop the right mindset and attitude towards life and the application can help you succeed. Because when you practice something regularly, it becomes your belief. And your belief becomes your reality.

So, if you practice developing good thoughts, it will eventually help you develop a growth mindset, that can push you to achieve success.

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